1. Make a comparison before buying
Be a smart shopper and find the best deals. Plan your spending in advance so you have time to shop around for the best deals. Take note on the sales, especially like Shopee 3.3.2022, 4.4.2022, 5.5.2022.
2. Reason you should save money
Maybe you want to save it for rainy days, concerts, careers, education. Money is so useful, you never know that any unforeseen accident will happen and cost you a lot of money.
3. Don't always go out to eat
Try making your own lunch and packing it for work or college.
4. Stick to a budget
Plan how your money will be used so it can help you pay off debt or avoid a cash crunch.
5. Hold on for non-essential items
Ask yourself do you really need this? If you haven't changed your mind after a few days -yes, just go ahead. In short, how wisely you spend your money affects your potential to achieve your goals.