1. Web of Medical Things
The interconnected system of medical equipment with Internet connections, hardware infrastructure, and software programmes.
IoMT makes it possible for remote and distant devices to securely communicate data over the Internet, enabling quick and flexible evaluation of clinical data.
2. Processing Big Data
By enabling medical service providers to deliver therapy to continuously ill patients through the fastest network possible, 5G holds the potential to be the answer to this issue.
Medical professionals' ability to collaborate on tasks like scans to enhance diagnosis and patient care can be facilitated by high-quality 5G communication technologies.
3. Development of sensors
These improvements in medical services are made possible by the data that sensors gather, compile, and align.
The integration of multiple IoMT devices and sensors enables clinicians to conduct more extensive patient assessments and create customised management plans.
4. Computerized Intelligence
They can use AI tools to help evaluate and manage their patients from anywhere in the clinic or hospital by switching to a 5G network.
Information Sources: https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/health/2022/03/03/how-5g-can-help-improve-healthcare