Many people love to buy things through online with using the credit card or debit card or doing any payments in Holiday. After the scammer succesfully traced to the account you money will loss. So we must becareful when buying things or doing payment at online.
There have some tips to avoid online holiday scams ⬇️:
1. Avert cybersecurity problems
Be wary of any links, pop-ups, emails, or social media adverts that ask you to update a password, click a link, or provide personal information.
Ignore the message's URL if you need to update your account and go directly to it instead.
2. Do some research on the retailer you're buying from.
While it may be tempting to click the image to be taken to that website, it is preferable to write down the business name and run a fast search first.
Verify customer reviews or check them out with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).
3. Watch your wallet.
The way the merchant requests payment at the moment of checkout should be more carefully observed by customers.
Check your statements frequently for any small charges that might seem odd.
4. Shipment tracking
Get a tracking number as soon as possible after a transaction, and always get an order number.
Upon receiving a tracking number, double confirm that the product is being delivered to your address.
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